Sportschau App
Entwicklung der aktuellen Sportschau App
In diesem Projekt habe ich das Team von Codevise unterstützt die neue Sportschau App mit React Native zu entwickeln. Mein Schwerpunkt dabei waren die Animationen, der Video/Audio-Player sowie das offline Datenhandling. Ziel der App ist es alle Inhalte, die die Sportschau Redaktion erstellt, übersichtlich und leicht zugänglich aufzubereiten und über die App zugänglich zu machen. Dazu gehören Artikel, Ergebnisse und Statistiken vieler Sportler*innen und Sportarten.
Bildquelle: WDR/Franke
Hier geht es zum KundenDaniel Kuhn
Projekt ManagerI can highly and wholeheartedly recommend Frederik. We hired him for the development of a React Native App for Android and iOS to support our small team. He did excellent work, was very quick in understanding and delivering what was asked of him and contributed solid, well-written, tested and therefore maintainable code, separated into semantically associated commits and merge requests - an absolute professional. Furthermore he was a pleasure to work with, reliable, positive, highly motivated and never shy to take on tasks and problems that were new terrain for him, always eager to learn and improve. In all cases the solutions and results he came up with were close to perfection, exactly meeting the required scope within the available timeframe and budget. I hope to work with him again in the future and wish him all the best.